Interfaith Calendars
The Interfaith Calendars resource is an online tool that provides links to selected interfaith calendars.
Note: The order of the content displayed belowe is based on how recent it is.

Inter Faith Network for the UK calendar of religious festivals
The Interfaith Network for the UK calendar of religious festivals harnesses the information on religious festivals from and with permission of the Shap Working Party on World Religions in Education, and is used here with permission (Shap and its calendars are also featured in this resource here). The Shap calendar of religious festivals was a first of its kind, and is produced in consultation with religious organizations each year.
Calendar of Religious Festivals – Interfaith Network for the UK

Calendar of Religious Festivals by the SHAP working party on World Religions in Education
The Shap e-Calendar of Religious Festivals is an invaluable resource for the teaching profession, students, businesses, chaplaincies, those in health sector and public services, to name but a few. It is recognised as the most accurate and most informative calendar. Their clients include the NHS, ministry of Justice, prisons, universities, chaplaincies, Lambeth Palace, Local Authorities as well as secondary and primary schools. The Shap calendar is used extensively in the UK but also across Europe.