Promising Practices
Promising Practices is a collation and expansion of existing documentation on promising practices in interreligious dialogue. Our database offers guidelines and focuses on the concrete implementation of interreligious and intercultural dialogue practices around the world.

Through providing different aspects and ideas our aim is to compliment the great work that has been already done in the field of Interreligious and Intercultural Dialogue. Information and field data published in this resource are for informational purposes only, and neither KAICIID nor the Dialogue Knowledge Hub guarantee in any way success of the implementation of the activity.
While we wish all the activities and initiatives featured in this resource could be replicable in as many context around the world as possible, there are often certain limitations, such as the suitability for particular cultures or religious communities. However, there is always room to explore and adjust activities in regards to the community’s environment.
- Guatemala
- Rwanda
- South Africa
- Sri Lanka
- Advocacy
- Capacity Building & Empowerment
- Confessional / Religious / Spiritual Activities
- Democracy
- Diplomacy
- Educational Programmes
- Freedom of Religion and Belief
- Human Security
- Humanitarian Aid
- Intercultural Dialogue
- Interreligious Dialogue
- Intrareligious Dialogue
- Networking
- Peace
- Pluralism
- Shared Human Values
- Social Cohesion & Citizenship
- Social Work & Community Service
- Youth
- Buddhism
- Islam
- Multireligious
Interfaith Conflict Mediation
Interfaith conflict mediation can take different forms, from democratic empowerment in post-conflict environments, to material exchanges and dialogue to reconcile. When a conflict arises between two protagonists that have cultural and religious differences, mediation has to be fair and objective; it should not favor one over the other. Intercultural Conflict mediation ensures that each perspective and belief are taken into account in the mediation process.
The Interfaith Democratic Empowerment is a program put in place by the religious leaders of a given country. They organize constitution reading workshops, debates, give their communities the judicial and advocacy tools to be active citizens in democracy building.
Interfaith material exchanges help establish a dialogue when it is hard for people to have verbal interactions with one another. Different religious communities can decide to work on a solidarity program with a specialized organization. These programs can take place through the year in villages or cities of religious communities or interfaith groups, to show that solidarity is a common value shared by all.
“Religions to Reconcile” uses religion as a means to reconcile and unite people. This initiative implements reconciliation in environments or countries where religious identities often oppose each other and engage in conflict, thus engages them to come together and build a better society.
- Peru
- Sri Lanka
- Advocacy
- Capacity Building & Empowerment
- Confessional / Religious / Spiritual Activities
- Democracy
- Diplomacy
- Educational Programmes
- Freedom of Expression
- Freedom of Religion and Belief
- Information Distribution
- Intercultural Dialogue
- Interreligious Dialogue
- Networking
- Peace
- Pluralism
- Shared Human Values
- Social Cohesion & Citizenship
- Women's Rights
- Youth
- Christianity
- Indigenous Traditions
- Islam
- Multireligious
Interfaith Travel
Interfaith learning through international and interfaith travel to different countries, as well as weekend immersion trips to local houses of worship help build trust and relationships. In every conflict or area of tension, there are different sides to the story. The dual narrative tourism initiative is meant to provide visitors with two successive different narratives from two different guides, each one narrating their own perspective, for them to build their own opinion and expand their understanding of the situation. This practice can also take the form of visits to different religious spaces. Opening one’s religious space to others is a way of showing a facet of one’s religious identity and break down misconceptions. Inviting people to visit a place of worship is an opportunity to increase awareness and educate participants about a particular religion, answer questions and reinforce one’s faith through.
Interfaith travel can involve visiting different regions or countries. Interfaith region consists of touring one given region to shed light on similarities in terms of religious integration. Hence, this practice uses travel and tourism to focus on the question of identity and culture regardless of faith, and fosters interfaith unity through initiating discussions on interreligious similarities and differences.
Moreover, in countries where there are still indigenous communities, city-dwellers and these communities are not well-linked, as they live far away from the cities and are rather isolated. Interfaith travel can enable people from the city to reconnect with their backgrounds and the way their ancestors use to live, in order to recreate a link between all communities and to promote and support the indigenous way of life.
- Lebanon
- Poland
- Sri Lanka
- Capacity Building & Empowerment
- Confessional / Religious / Spiritual Activities
- Educational Programmes
- Freedom of Expression
- Freedom of Movement
- Freedom of Religion and Belief
- Intercultural Dialogue
- Interreligious Dialogue
- Intrareligious Dialogue
- Peace
- Youth
- Christianity
- Hinduism
- Islam
- Multireligious
Interfaith Theatre
The practice of interfaith theatre can be utilized in different ways to suit the context of the subject matter in question. For example, one practice called Bibliodrama invites participants to understand and discuss the main religious figures present in the holy texts of a religion other than their own. Another form of interfaith theatre brings together youths of different faiths to act together in a play based in a zone of conflict between groups of different religions. Another example is “The Hindu and the Cowboy”, which is a theatrical production created from the stories shared by the residents of Kansas City. It showcases how interfaith communities in a city do not need to be viewed as a ‘melting pot’, but rather as a mosaic, in which each faith has its own integrity and identity and contributes in their own way to the beautiful full image. Lastly, the “Theatre of the People” is a mobile theatre where people from different ethnic and religious backgrounds create and perform a play, and travel together for representations. Along with all the preparations and performances, the theatre troupe engages the masses through workshops in schools and public spaces, and promotes inclusion and reconciliation through art and theatre.